Upcycled Bread Pan Mail Sorter

Mail is always a hot spot when it comes to organizing.  It can get out of control faster than almost any area of the home.  Save yourself a lot of time by making today’s project and sort your mail as soon as it comes in the house.

Upcycled bread pan mail sorter on desk

Supply List for Upcycled Mail Sorter

Supplies for upcycled mail sorter

Add hangers.  Measure down approximately 1/2″ on both sides of the back of the plank.  Nail in a sawtooth hanger on both sides.

Add hangers to back of mail sorter

Attach bread pans.  Turn the plank over and lay the three bread pans on top.  Move around until the spacing looks balanced.  Mark placement with light pencil lines.  Using a hammer and nail, start 2 holes in each pan.  Screw the pans into the plank with a drill or screwdriver.

Screw bread pans onto wood plank


Make magnets.  This part is easy!  All you have to do is glue the magnets to the backs of the Scrabble tiles.

Now you’re ready to hang this near the door or set it on top of your desk.  I spelled out “IN”, “OUT”, and “FILE” to sort my mail but you could also spell out the names of family members so they could pick up their mail.

Finished upcycled bread pan mail sorter

Check out these other projects made with Walnut Hollow Basswood Planks:

Thanks for reading!  Leave a comment and let us know what your biggest organizational problem is.

Shop the sale on sale here!


Ann's PictureBIO

I’m Ann Tatum from Duct Tape and Denim.  I’m a jewelry designer but I can’t contain my creativity to just jewelry!  From childhood I’ve loved just about every craft I’ve ever tried.  And my studio currently looks like I’m enjoying every craft!  I especially love upcycling vintage finds.  I raised two daughters who are now married, have one grandson, and live with my musical husband and the boss of our house, the cat.  Follow our adventures on DuctTapeAndDenim.com.


How to make an upcycled bread pan mail sorter with Walnut Hollow Basswood plank